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THIS WEEK IN KOI - 10/03/10

There were a lot of koi-related tweets going around the koi community this week. By far, the best video out on the web was from Koi Acres. Koi Story is lucky to be right down the road from these breeders of monster koi in the Twin Cities, Minnesota. Check out this impressive video where they've taught some behemoth koi to eat koi fish food from a bottle. Feeding koi from a bottle... adorable, albeit a little freaky.

Next up, a story of koi abuse out of Fairhope, Alabama. Local restaurant owners went out of business and abandoned a koi pond in front of the restaurant. Local animal control turned down the case, stating they only did "cats and dogs."

Other Koi Stories of Interest:

And to close this week, check out this great koi video posted of Koi Fish swimming in Nagoya:

What koi stories did you hear this week? Post a link in the comments to your favorite koi-related content.

This Week in Koi - 10/10/10

This Week in Koi - 9/26/10