How To Protect Your Koi Pond From Herons
If you don't protect your koi pond from herons they will terrorize your koi. With their lightning fast reflexes, long beaks, and stilt-like legs herons were made to gulp down unsuspecting fish, and they are not easy to deter. Herons are very patient and clever so protecting your koi pond from herons can be extremely hard to do, but is far from impossible. Here are a few ways to protect your koi pond from herons.
Electric fencing
Electric fencing can be placed around your pond to give approaching herons a little shock which will send them far away from your pond - never to return. Electricity and water is usually a combination you want to avoid at all costs, but when done properly putting up some electric fencing is both safe, unobtrusive, and effective. We talked to wonderful koi parent named Eddie who - in an effort to protect his koi- set up his own electric fence. Eddie's fence gives out 0.006 watts which is just enough to chase away pesky birds, but he warns against touching it he has tried and it isn't pleasant. If you want to set up an electric fence around your pond Eddie suggests consulting an electrician in order to make sure everything is safe.
This is Eddies pond with his electric fence surrounding it
If you love the way your yard looks, and do not want to change a thing this is a great way for you to protect your pond from herons. Herons will naturally avoid predators so whenever you feel like you need to prevent herons from raiding your pond you can place a radio outside and tune into a talk show or play the sounds of predators on loop. When you no longer need to keep herons away it is easy to turn off the radio and store it away for when it is next needed which can be very convenient.
Another great way to protect your pond from herons is to make use of the age old scarecrow trick. There are several types of decoys you can use that will deter Herons from fishing from your pond. You can use a shadow cutout of a human, a scarecrow, or even a wolf decoy - anything that will make a passing heron think twice about how safe it would be to land there. The most popular decoy however is actually a heron decoy which works wonders because as herons prefer to hunt alone they simply avoid your pond.
While herons can be a real pest to koi parents it is important to appreciate this clever bird. Herons are protected because while they are not considered in danger they have seen a lot of habitat loss as wetlands have been destroyed, but herons have been making a comeback because of how adaptable and intelligent they are. It is these admirable traits that make it so hard to protect your koi pond form herons, but now you know how to.
Aren't herons amazing birds? Have you ever had a heron problem and if you have how did you solve it? Have you had problems with any other predators hunting your koi? If you have you should check out our survive and thrive mini course where we talk about some of the problems we have had with predators.